Stormwater Solutions

Stormwater management is a key component of the development of any landscape architectural project today. Whether or not it’s required by a municipality or other government organization, stormwater management is a practice we take seriously at Fusco Land Planning & Design. We view designing stormwater solutions as a critical component of maintaining natural processes in the landscapes we create, and we work to incorporate project-specific stormwater solutions into all of our projects.

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While Fusco Land Planning & Design has been designing stormwater solutions for years, this aspect of land planning and development has become more of a priority as local municipalities have increasingly adopted more rigorous standards. As such, the importance of stormwater infrastructure and stormwater solutions will only rise in the coming years. 

At Fusco Land Planning & Design, we believe sound stormwater solutions are not just the right thing to do for sustainability and environmental reasons, done thoughfully and creatively, they will add to the economic viability and long-term success of a project. We have designed stormwater solutions for residential and commercial projects. We pride ourselves on designing stormwater solutions that make the most sense for each project. Some of the most common types of stormwater projects we design include:

  • Surface Infiltration Basins: Unlike wet ponds, infiltration basins do not contain a permanent pool of water. Instead, captured water is released through infiltration into the substrata or through evaporation. While the water that runs through infiltration basins eventually reaches downstream water sources, the method by which it gets there is different than other systems. These features allow runoff to infiltrate into the ground rather than allowing it to exit the feature through a pipe or other outlet structure.
  • Rain Gardens: Rain gardens are great solutions in urban residential environments. While some can be very complex and highly engineered, a rain garden generally is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water and allows it to soak into the ground. Rain gardens are usually planted with grasses, flowering perennials, and sometimes even trees. They are not only cost-effective, but help to beautify a property’s landscape.
  • Subsurface and Proprietary Stormwater Systems: Proprietary stormwater systems, such as Stormtec, can be used in situations where space is limited. These types of systems utilize underground storage chambers where stormwater is captured and allowed to infiltrate or slowly drain out to the surface. They can be installed under impervious surfaces such as parking areas and drives.
  • Permeable or Porous Pavement Surfaces: Whenever possible, we recommend using pavers and other permeable surfaces that allow rainwater to soak into the ground. Impervious surfaces such as asphalt and concrete create massive runoff that has to go somewhere. Using pervious surfaces reduces the amount of runoff that has to be captured and held by other methods.
  • Wet Ponds

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